Exclusive Story
Alan Brackett The Peanut Butter Conspiracy
Rick Stanley The Gentle Soul
Larry Tamblyn The Standells
Jerry LaFlavor The Expressos
Randy Holden The Fender IV / Sons of Adam / The Other Half / Blue Cheer
Peter Daltrey Kaleidoscope / Fairfield Parlour
Sylvan Wells The Nightcrawlers
Steve Moroniak, George Hancock, Greg Madsen The Other Half (Chicago, Illinois)
Exclusive Interview
Pamela Polland The Gentle Soul
Victor "Moulty" Moulton The Barbarians
Fred Cole The Weeds / The Lollipop Shoppe
Tommy James Tommy James and the Shondells
Exclusive Story Part 5 of 5, The Boys
Tom Hartman The Aerovons
Exclusive Story Part 4 of 5, The Day I Met John Lennon
Exclusive Story Part 3 of 5, Meeting George
Exclusive Story Part 2 of 5, Meeting Paul
Exclusive Story Part 1 of 5, Meeting The Who
John Sebastian The Lovin' Spoonful
Exclusive Story and an Exclusive Interview
Carl Giammarese The Buckinghams
Leo Hartshorn Beauregard Ajax
Greg "Grog" Watson The Orange Alabaster Mushroom
Davie Allan Davie Allan & The Arrows
Frank Allen The Searchers
Tom Finn The Left Banke
Sid Herring The Gants
Mike Rabon The Five Americans